bar beach

Jayne McCartney
2 min readMay 2, 2021

Remember when we could walk to the beach and singe our skin under the summer sun?

Remember when we would sit and drink red wine with the sound of surf rock and hip hop as our soundtrack and you watched me cook and asked me about life?

Remember when beautiful boys would walk up the long drive, handsome faces and strong bodies, tattoos and piercings and raw stories wholeheartedly delivered for unravelling in the tumble of sheets and sweat and all of you, to walk back home in the dawn, the gentle thrum of the surf wishing them good morning in the afterglow?

Remember the once-in-a-lifetime pandemic when this was your sanctuary?

Remember that time you gathered frangipani on the walk home with sand in your toes?

Remember the pub and the people and training until you wanted to collapse in your tiny living room, wondering what was happening to the world?

Remember the sounds and stars and the long flight of stairs at your back door as you hung washing out on salty summer nights?

Remember the full moons and the rituals and the night you woke up frantically and couldn’t settle until he was tucked up with you once again safe and sound?

Remember the last festival and the virginity cake and the endless glorious energy of the young and the way it intersected as you sat on his shoulders?

Remember the fireplace and the plants and the couch and the bed and the breakfasts and the wonder and the lovers and the disappointments and the excitement and riding your bike to work with music loud in your ears?

Remember your friend who hugged you close with her hips and brought you to life with nights of joy and aliveness?

Remember all-nighters full of study and sex and quiet aloneness?

Remember walking along the water to drink cocktails and eat Mexican food and wondering how you made these incredible humans inside your own body. These walking, talking, thinking miracles.

Remember the cheese and the olives and the chocolate and the endless privilege of glass bottles full of water?

Remember that wonderful home in that glorious time in that transient world you called your life?

